Small loaders are one of the common construction machinery equipment, used for ground material handling and loading. Small loaders are becoming more and more popular now, compared with large equipment. Small ones have better maneuverability. Small loaders are relatively small and can be operated in small places, such as indoor warehouses or narrow roads. They are generally more agile and easier to maneuver, making them suitable for work environments that require frequent turns and high maneuverability requirements. Tires are an important part of a loader carrying and transmitting loads. They directly support the entire loader's weight and transfer the load to the ground or other surface. The loader's tires provide traction through friction with the ground, allowing the loader to travel and operate in a variety of terrains and work environments. Good traction can improve the operating efficiency and stability of the loader.
What should we pay attention to in daily use of small loader tires?
1. Select the appropriate tire size and type: Select the appropriate tire size and type according to the type of loader machinery and usage environment to ensure that the tires can adapt to the working conditions and load-carrying capacity requirements.
2. Pay attention to the degree of tire wear: Check the tire wear regularly. Once the tire is found to be worn to the specified limit, it needs to be replaced in time to avoid affecting work efficiency and safety.
3. Check the tire pressure: Keep the tire pressure appropriate. Too low air pressure will cause tire heating, increased wear and reduced load-carrying capacity. Too high air pressure will affect driving stability and comfort.
4. Regularly balance and align tires: Regularly balance and adjust tires to ensure smooth driving of the vehicle and reduce tire wear. In addition, the alignment of the tires should be checked regularly and adjusted in time to avoid uneven wear.
5. Pay attention to the tire load and frequency of use: The tire load must meet the work requirements. Using the tire in an overloaded state will accelerate wear and damage and affect the service life. In addition, tires that are used frequently are prone to wear and should be replaced in time.
6. Use professional tools and techniques: Tire replacement requires the use of professional tools and techniques to ensure that the replacement process is safe and correct. If you do not have relevant experience or skills, you should ask professionals to replace it.
7. Regular tire inspection and maintenance: Regularly inspect tires, pay attention to wear, bulges, cracks and other abnormalities, and promptly repair or replace damaged tires.

Post time: Dec-12-2023